Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tetraconazole For Yeast Infection Tricomoniasis (vaginal Infection) Can Go On Its Own?

Tricomoniasis (vaginal infection) can go on its own? - tetraconazole for yeast infection

My doctor did not examine my vaginal discharge, trichomoniasis diagnosed with a type of vaginal infection caused by a parasite. The problem is that I do not use drugs and the symptoms disappear by simply want Vagisil and prescribed Diflucan and TETRACONAZOLE, drugs for yeast infection is a parasitic infection that I have. Please tell me if it is in compliance with these statements that I have trichomoniasis, or why you do not feel any symptoms now.


Sharp said...

Trichomoniasis is a genital infection. It is an infection that affects men and women. It is almost always recorded by sexual contact.

In most cases, trichomoniasis solves no symptoms. Sometimes symptoms in women may include:
+ Abdominal pain
+ Dyspareunia or painful intercourse
+ Painful urination
Vaginal +
The diagnosis of trichomoniasis begins with a medical history and physical examination. With the proper treatment of trichomoniasis has no long-term effects.

+ Diflucan is an antifungal antibiotic.
+ Diflucan is used to treat infection that any part of the body including the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, lung, bladder, genitals and blood can penetrate to treat.

Metronidazoleis very effective against trichomoniasis.

Good Luck --

Wulfie said...

Trichomoniasis is a very easy animal to kill. We have to win every person, the treatment of unprotected sex with regret, or again.

You are now clean. Condom use to prevent the recurrence of such boring things.

sweet_ha... said...

STIs are trics as yeastinfection (in terms of lamina) as yeastinfections things to get rid of the antibiotc and cream it! Be happy.

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